We know the most income come from adsence,chitika and other ad
related network.NOW time comes to income from photography.Also find some income from different segment of
affiliated ads by selling product.But the another income can be come
from the photo sharing site.If your shared image is clicked well then
you can be millionaires.What the photo sharing site do.They are just pay
based on the image you shared or submit on there site.You do not have
to sell these image.These image bank have their own client/customer/user
base to whom they sale the product or image.For
website,magazine,blog,printing,books in all cases we need image and that
work too well in some cases.If some one download your image you will
get approx of $0.25 from them.That way you can get lot of benefit from
your image sale.If you have upload 100 of image then approx estimated
that in a month 300 image can be sale.So in total you can get 75 dollar
in a month or even more as these site shared the continuous sales income
of your image for long time.Now if image are boring image then no one
will purchase.So you have to shared quality professional image which
might be sale for multiple times.
Now making 100 or 1000 professional image not possible if you do not know the tricks.A basic DLSR lens can able to give you quality image if you know the proper way to manipulate that.Check the below image once.Is it something interesting.Yes you can able to developed that kind of realistic image from a basic image if you know the photography tricks.With that module you do not have to know about the photography in professional way.Just have to know the tricks.You can not nly able to know 300 tricks of making that kind of photographs(here only 2 are shown on the image) even that can guide well to know the way of mastering in photography with a very easy video tutorial.
Find the tutorial from here
Oh ho if you think that not goes well for you then you can check that one that also a nice one which i found last day.
success in digital photography
or you can choose that one also here a calculator help to find your potential for income from photography.
Photo sharing site links
etc.and more will shared shortly.
Please share you thought about that products by which it will be help to a new buyer to take decision that is that product is perfect for them of not.Please help other to get the real information.
Now making 100 or 1000 professional image not possible if you do not know the tricks.A basic DLSR lens can able to give you quality image if you know the proper way to manipulate that.Check the below image once.Is it something interesting.Yes you can able to developed that kind of realistic image from a basic image if you know the photography tricks.With that module you do not have to know about the photography in professional way.Just have to know the tricks.You can not nly able to know 300 tricks of making that kind of photographs(here only 2 are shown on the image) even that can guide well to know the way of mastering in photography with a very easy video tutorial.
Find the tutorial from here
Oh ho if you think that not goes well for you then you can check that one that also a nice one which i found last day.
success in digital photography
or you can choose that one also here a calculator help to find your potential for income from photography.
Photo sharing site links
etc.and more will shared shortly.
Please share you thought about that products by which it will be help to a new buyer to take decision that is that product is perfect for them of not.Please help other to get the real information.